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Location, location, location

10 Apr 2019

It may not seem long ago that you were logging onto the AAG Hub for the first time, but our development team have been hard at work to release further functionality, and we’re pleased to say that the first update is ready!

We’ve enhanced the original contacts application by introducing location data. With the AAG network ever-expanding, this info is sure to be useful.

You’ll notice the sidebar on the hub looks a little different, with ‘Contacts’ now being named ‘Directories’.

hub sidebar screenshot



When you click on this link, it still takes you to the contacts page you’re now familiar with, but with the additional option to search for locations specifically. You can utilise the search bar or the filters to find the branch you need. For example, you could search ‘Sheffield’ to view all AAUK business units with branches there, or use the filters to narrow down by business unit.

Directories page screenshot

We hope you enjoy this new feature, and look forward to sharing more with you soon!

Location, location, location

It may not seem long ago that you were logging onto the AAG Hub for the first time, but our development team have been hard at work to release further functionality, and we’re pleased to say that the first update is ready!

We’ve enhanced the original contacts application by introducing location data. With the AAG network ever-expanding, this info is sure to be useful.

You’ll notice the sidebar on the hub looks a little different, with ‘Contacts’ now being named ‘Directories’.

hub sidebar screenshot



When you click on this link, it still takes you to the contacts page you’re now familiar with, but with the additional option to search for locations specifically. You can utilise the search bar or the filters to find the branch you need. For example, you could search ‘Sheffield’ to view all AAUK business units with branches there, or use the filters to narrow down by business unit.

Directories page screenshot

We hope you enjoy this new feature, and look forward to sharing more with you soon!